lundi 29 avril 2024
Heure de Tunis : 14:17
Dernières news
Le couvre-feu à l’ordre du jour de la réunion Saïed-Fakhfakh
12/05/2020 | 16:29
1 min
Le couvre-feu à l’ordre du jour de la réunion Saïed-Fakhfakh

La situation générale du pays et en particulier l’évolution de la pandémie Covid-19 en Tunisie ont été à l’ordre du jour de la réunion entre le président de la République, Kaïs Saïd et le chef du gouvernement Elyes Fakhfakh, tenue mardi 12 mai au Palais de Carthage. 


La discussion a, également, porté sur un éventuel changement des horaires du couvre-feu, toujours en vigueur dans le cadre de la stratégie de confinement ciblé déployée par le gouvernement, et ce, à la lumière de la progression de la situation sanitaire, selon un communiqué de la présidence.  


La Tunisie n’a enregistré aucun nouveau cas de contamination par le nouveau coronavirus depuis dimanche 10 mai. 


Tous nos articles sur le Coronavirus (Covid-19) en Tunisie



12/05/2020 | 16:29
1 min
The British accused of conniving with Nahdha.
a posté le 12-05-2020 à 18:44
The British are supposed to account for the stay of sinecure offered to nahdha during the period included (approximately) between 2005 and 2011, and this by welcoming them royally for some unknown reason, while the British know perfectly well that these followers of a new sect are uneducated, illiterate and knowing nothing of Islam, and who claimed (certainly by lies to the British) to replace a group of ulemas of the zitouna mosque in Tunis (of which they have no relation), and not in the region where they come from, that is the south-east of Tunisia, and from which they all have family ties or old acquaintances of citizenship with each other .

However, and to this day, it is not known how they were invited to go to London and form this group of thugs (known by their scandalous background) However, to benefit from the favors of becoming political refugees, in London, incited them to present files (and to send requests); since they are, for them, a boon which they cannot even dream of, given the precariousness of their training; above mentioned.

It is up to the Tunisian people to demand explanations on this subject and to ask to repatriate these traitors to their original huts in London, and to find thereafter the formula which would spare Tunisia the consequences suffered by this strange behavior on the part of the British , while knowing that Tunisia found itself, through the fault of these intruders sent by the British in 2011, in indescribable socio-economic trouble and in complete immeasurable disorder.